"Thank you so much for all of your hard work with the kiddos at at our school Thank you for your kind words about him. He has some sensory challenges which at times impact his behavior. So we were a bit skeptical about placing him in Yoga but turned out to be exactly what he needed. You have guided him and had him develop a love for Yoga and mindfulness. He looks forward to Wednesdays every week! I've seen him do some poses at home that have been definitely pleasing to witness. The skills have definitely carried over. We've noticed him doing the deep breathing when he's frustrated and we have been more successful with deescalating him during some challenging times. Please let us know if you have additional suggestions with him.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We look forward to being a part of your team next year!" (2024)
"Thank you so much for bringing your class to Valrico Lake Academy and for teaching our Mia so much this semester. She really enjoyed being in your class and is looking forward to returning in the Fall as a 5th grader- this time with her two sisters (if Kindergarten and First Grade are permitted)." (2024)
If you have ever wondered what a sound bath, or sound healing session is like, Coleen is the one to give you the most authentic experience. She puts her whole heart into each session and into each client. The experience is truly magical. - Amy A.
I have been friends with Coleen for many years. So, when I was struggling with grief, I reached out to take one of her sound healing classes. During these classes I felt as though I was floating. I also have the best night's sleep after sound class. This allowed me to find some inner peace. I encourage everyone to take one of her classes. - Michelle A
"I have been attending Yoga classes and Sound Healings with Coleen for several years now. An evening with her balances out my mind and body every week, and I do my best not to miss it. It is my favorite day. Put yourself in her hands and I promise you will leave feeling refreshed, renewed and at peace". - Amy
Coleen’s sound healing is a must. I love listening to the way she plays the bowls and the vibration I feel throughout my body. Attending a sound bath relaxes your mind and body, making you feel rejuvenated, less stressed and gives you a new outlook for better days. I highly recommend sound meditation guided by Coleen! - Dana D
Jaya enjoys everything about her yoga class and her teacher. She likes doing yoga and assisting the classes. It is a great resource to be able to have her attend yoga geared for kids with her peers at her school and reap the many excellent benefits of yoga and meditation.
I love yoga. It makes me feel calm and relaxed. The music is soft.
Ms Coleen has taught me to feel calm and nice - Jaya
I really enjoy yoga because it is fun, and it lets me stretch. I like how Ms. Coleen teaches the class and makes it fun. - Ashna
Coleen is the ultimate Yogi. She leads you through a strong yoga practice; mesmerizes you with the
sounds of her crystal bowls in a sound bath meditation and (my favorite) leads you in a Sleep Nidra that is better than any nap you have ever experienced. She is also personable, funny and an excellent
instructor. -Dyannah
"Ms. Coleen is an amazing kids yoga and sound meditation instructor. My daughter Hailey loves her so much and is always looking forward to her yoga class. Yoga Sounds Good helps my daughter build self-confidence, calmness and also balance. - Sally